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Best Practice in Fire-Retardant-Treated Wood Code Enforcement

The job of a building code official carries more than its share of accountability. On the one hand, code officials are responsible for the life safety of the occupants of the buildings they inspect. On the other, they face the interests of community leaders, developers,

Fire-Retardant-Treated Wood Must be Impregnated with Chemicals

The 2018 International Building Code clarifies that fire-retardant-treated wood (FRTW) manufactured without using the pressure process must be impregnated with chemicals. New language in the 2018 IBC clarifies for building officials the regulations for using FRTW in Types I, II and III construction, which call

UL Certifies Proprietary Design with Fire-Retardant-Treated Wood

UL recently tested and promulgated a listing for a new two-hour load bearing wood-frame wall assembly containing pressure impregnated fire-retardant-treated wood (FRTW), a move that makes it quicker and easier for building officials to approve plans for Type III construction. The new fire resistive listing,

Fire-Retardant-Treated Wood and the Minnesota Building Code

The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry has issued the following publication after recent concerns of non-code compliant fire-retardant-treated wood being used in local construction projects. The publication points out the building code requirements for fire-retardant-treated wood and the importance of labeling for proper product

Virginia Beach Allows Pyro-Guard in Roof Structures

The City of Virginia Beach, VA has announced that Pyro-Guard is allowed in roofing structures. A shortened version of the permit update highlighting the specific update can be found here (click on link to view): PDF of Permit Update You can read more information on